You are now supporting: Magyar Vakok és Gyengénlátók Országos Szövetsége
donation 1.5 - 3%

Be Lenka - with your purchase you support this organization: Magyar Vakok és Gyengénlátók Országos Szövetsége

Donate by shopping
How to make a donation step by step

Donation details

3% a egyéb vásárlások értékének

1,5% a Az akciós termékek beszerzési értékének

Az adományokat üzleti tranzakciók után nem számítják fel.

Never miss donation with Adjukosze Browser Extension

It’s a simple and secure extension which shows you Activate Donation button on Adjukossze Webshops and on product search. Read more

100% security and data protection!
The plugin does not collect user data
The technology we use at Webshopadomany is blocked by extensions such as AdBlock, uBlock etc.

Adblocks terminate the communication between the webshopadomany and webshop. Without this communication we can't calculate and assing the shopping donation to the organization and user.

IMPORTANT: Adding the domain to the exceptions is not a solution. Adlbock must be deactivated before clicking Activate Donation and must remain deactivated until the order is finalised.

Turn off adlbock and refresh the page.